
Legal Proofreading Rates

0.40 per page – Standard rate – 2 days

0.50 per page – Expedited rate – 24 hours

0.60 per page – Daily rate – 12 hours

Spot-Check Audio Proofreading

0.50 per page – Standard rate – 2 days

0.60 per page – Expedited rate – 24 hours

0.75 per page – Daily rate – 12 hours

Full-Audio Proofreading

0.70 per page – Standard rate – 2 days

0.80 per page – Expedited rate – 24 hours

1.10 per page – Daily rate – 12 hours

All legal proofreading rates are based on double-spaced transcripts that have 25 lines per page. I do request that you provide advance notice and verify my availability if you’ll be sending rush/daily jobs or transcripts that contain 100+ pages. In the case of the latter, I’d prefer to receive several pages at a time as you complete them rather than get the entire job all at once. I don’t provide scoping services, so I also ask that you send transcripts that have been scoped and are as clean as possible.

General Proofreading Rates

All rates are based on documents that have approximately 250 words per double-spaced page. Rates will be higher for larger jobs or single-spaced pages of approximately 500 words. The average turnaround time is three days. There will be an extra charge for rush proofreading or complex jobs. I will need to see the text before I begin working on it to determine its quality and the amount of work it requires. I can return your completed documents via email in a PDF file or send them through Dropbox.

Per Word  – $0.012

Per Page – $3.00

Per Hour – $35

Per project – The cost will depend on the scope and nature of the project.

Payment Information

I can accept your credit card payments, and checks and PayPal are also acceptable payment methods. I will email invoices to regular clients on the last day of the month, and payment is expected no later than 30 days after receipt. Invoices are sent immediately upon completion of one-off jobs. Outstanding invoices (more than 30 days past due) must be paid in full before new jobs can be accepted.